The next morning came, and I set to work on my next addition to the deck......that is, after I took the dog out and had my coffee {first cup......Gibbs was very adamant, and pushy.....spoiled brat!} I was going to make another fish box, for the port side. this side was a little tougher.....I had the separator, mid-ship hold, and a rope coil {prop} to work around. this box would have a strange shape to it, making it an interesting bit of furniture on the deck. I also wanted to keep the walkway open as well. using the same technique, it will be made to look like the other one.....but one big problem......I was short on strip stock! I needed 5mm wide strip I took some short 7mm wide planking stock and cut it down. I was also short on the 3mm mahogany strip stock. I still had some of the Cux's deck planking, so I cut that down as well. problem solved! I started to construct this odd piece of furniture.
once it was dry, the nubs of the mahogany were cut off and the whole box got a sanding. when this was finished, the next phase took place.....staining. this was done the same way as the first, two coats, wait, and wipe.
then came the lacquer...........two coats as well.
After the second box got the final coat of clear lacquer, I compared it with the first one just to check out the color. kind of silly....considering that I used the same stuff.....but I wanted to make sure. I was very happy with the results.
When it was dry, they were put in place on the deck for a dry fit. I had been looking online for a way to simulate "live catch". John, a moderator on MSW {Model Ship World} helped me out with this and directed me to a build on the site. the fellow, in his build of a "Bay of Biscay" fishing boat, used cumin seeds as a catch of sardines. rice was also suggested, which is the way that I might go. I could just leave them empty.....I haven't decided which way i will go with it.....after all, the black ball suggests that the ship is in port at the moment.
as per the other one, I got the itch again and installed the starboard net bar. the last step to be done now will be to install the nets. I better run out and get the champagne to christen the bow....huh!
The net bars add enough weight to the booms, that the ropes are being pulled taught......a lot more than they were. when the nets are added, it will definitely weigh them out more. then they and the bars themselves will need to be rigged. there are a couple touch-ups I do have to make, and then I could be writing what could possibly be, the last build log. AHOY!
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